November 2023

CASE STUDY: MaxiTRANS Fostering Community Growth through Partnerships

CASE STUDY: Fostering Community Growth through Partnerships

For nearly a decade, JK Personnel has been a strategic partner to MaxiTRANS, the largest trailer manufacturers in Australia. What began as a conventional recruitment collaboration has grown into a comprehensive workforce management and HR service partnership, reflecting the changing dynamics within MaxiTRANS and the broader employment landscape.

Driving this partnership is not only a commitment to an employee-centric culture and training but also a shared dedication to supporting the local community by providing career opportunities.

Building Long-standing Relationships and Community Impact

Since becoming locally owned in Ballarat, MaxiTRANS has experienced a significant transformation in how they recruit and train their people. There has been a substantial shift from a seasonal and transient workforce to a more employee-centric culture, that not only addresses operational needs but also aligns with MaxiTRANS’ genuine desire to support the local community.

With our support, they are able to provide skill development, training and support to all of their employees, whether they’re there for a week, a month or a year. While MaxiTRANS continues to rely on a flexible workforce to meet the demands of their customers, they’re able to do it in a way that provides genuine opportunity for people to join the business for sometimes a short period, but still benefit significantly from their employment.


Creating a People-Centric Culture

Over the years our close relationship with MaxiTRANS supervisors and managers has played a pivotal role in shaping a people-centric culture. We’ve been able to successfully increase engagement levels and reduce turnover among the workforce.

The partnership we have with MaxiTRANS has not just focused on filling immediate staffing needs but has strategically shifted towards investing in training and development. Recognising the industry’s skill shortages, MaxiTRANS, in collaboration with our experienced consultants at JK, are able to implement a non-traditional approach to recruiting for their various roles, by prioritising recruiting based on attitude and potential rather than looking for an exact skill match. This approach has not only addressed the shortage challenges but has led to a mutually beneficial scenario where individuals gain entry into an industry that has a high demand for people, while MaxiTRANS secures the workforce it needs.

Investing in employee training has proven to enhance engagement and significantly reduce turnover. By hiring individuals without the exact skills and experience and providing targeted training with local Registered Training Organisations, MaxiTRANS has achieved a more stable and skilled workforce.

This approach sees people that would typically find it difficult to gain entry into heavy industry provided with structured, supported and accredited training. In turn providing MaxiTRANS the workforce it requires while leaving a legacy in the region of increased available skills and members of the community gaining experience that allows them to forge a successful career in manufacturing beyond their time at MaxiTRANS.

MaxiTRANS Ballarat

Leaving a Legacy

This is but one example of the impact large employers and manufacturers, like MaxiTRANS have on the communities in which they operate. The net impact MaxiTRANS has on the Ballarat region is immeasurable and we at JK continue to be proud of this partnership and our small contribution to the MaxiTRANS legacy.



Read more about local businesses that have by leading the charge to change in their industries.

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