Unpacking Australia’s New ‘Right to Disconnect’ Laws
The average Australian worker performed 280 hours of unpaid time per year — worth approximately $130 billion in annual lost incomes. The Australian government has recently introduced legislation aimed at safeguarding employees’ rights to unplug from work-related communication outside of their designated hours. But what does this actually mean for employers and employees?
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How to Create a Strong Employer Brand
In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is imperative for businesses, and a company’s reputation can be one of the biggest drivers to attract top talent. Having a strong employer brand is a huge asset to any company and can generate real results. Learn how to make your employer brand stand out from your competitors to make your organisation
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CASE STUDY: MaxiTRANS Fostering Community Growth through Partnerships
Large employers and manufacturers, like MaxiTRANS, have the opportunity to create hugely positive impacts on the communities in which they operate. For nearly a decade, JK Personnel has been privileged to be a strategic partner to MaxiTRANS, a partnership driven not only a commitment to an employee-centric culture and training, but also a shared dedication to supporting the local community by providing career opportunities.
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Increasing Gender Diversity in Heavy Industry
In the world of heavy industry, where workforces are traditionally male dominated, one of Australia’s leading energy and fuel providers wanted to make a change. Their journey toward increasing gender diversity was not only about transforming their workforce but also about reshaping the industry’s future.
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The Surprising Benefits of Using Outplacement Services
In the dynamic landscape of today’s job market, organisational changes such as redundancies and business restructures have become inevitable. Your organisation can plan ahead for success during these times of change. Nurture your employer brand, drive employee loyalty and empower staff facing transitions by engaging an outplacement service provider like JK Personnel.
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Mastering the Art of Managing Remote and Hybrid Teams
Your Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Future of Work. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the concept of traditional office work has undergone a paradigm shift. Hybrid and remote working models have emerged as…
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Closing the Gender Pay Gap
Today, 25th August 2023, is Equal Pay Day in Australia. What is Equal Pay Day? According to the WGEA, Workplace Gender Equality Agency “Equal Pay Day marks the 56 additional days from the end…
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CASE STUDY: Sourcing Candidates in Regional Markets
When looking to expand their workforce, our client faced several recruitment challenges, including a candidate-short market due to their regional location, a local skills shortage, and internal time constraints. Through partnering with JK Personnel and leaning on our expertise in regional recruitment, they were able to successfully grow their workforce. Our consultants focused on proactive candidate sourcing, matching transferable skills, building strong local networks, and referrals and employee engagement to improve overall candidate availability, suitability and retention rate.
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The Benefits of Partnering with a Recruitment Agency
How to save your business time and money by partnering with a recruitment agency Hiring new employees can be a time-consuming, resource-intensive task for any organisation. According to ANZ data, the cost of…
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Creating a More Diverse Workforce by Addressing Unconscious Bias
Unconscious biases are social stereotypes that can be held about certain groups of people that can be formed without being consciously aware of it. Even when trying to be objective when recruiting new team members, unconscious bias is one of those things that can creep in unnoticed. It happens to everyone at one point or another, impacting our decision-making process and, if not addressed, can cause prejudice without us even realising it.
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