June 2024

Labour Hire Experts

Excellence in Labour Hire Recruitment: Insights from JK Personnel’s Experts

With nearly 30 years of experience in the field, JK Personnel has refined strategies and specialist approaches to provide expert insights to our clients looking for on-hire recruitment to grow their business. We spoke with two of our on-hire recruitment specialists, Paige Lane from our South East Queensland office, and Jake Whelan of our Regional VIC offices, who shared their perspectives on the key elements that drive their success in this specialised field.


Understanding the Process

The labour hire recruitment process involves expertly sourcing candidates through innovative approaches and nurturing client relationships to understand their unique environments. Paige Lane explains “in terms of recruiting ideal candidates for my clients, my role is to source candidates that match the job brief and fit well within their team. I utilise a range of different sourcing methods, from database searches to proactive outreach through our professional networks and social media, then conducting a thorough screening process to ensure we’re matching the correct candidates to the role for our clients.”

A critical aspect of the JK process is the emphasis on understanding client requirements thoroughly. This is achieved through comprehensive job briefs that outline the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit required for each position. Additionally, site visits to client workplaces allow our consultants to gain a deeper insight into the organisational environment and dynamics. This ensures that the candidates we propose are not only qualified but also a good fit for the client’s team and culture.


Leveraging Technology and Communication

Despite the geographical challenges often associated with on-hire recruitment, our experts highlight the importance of leveraging technology and maintaining frequent communication. Virtual meetings, video interviews, and digital collaboration tools have revolutionised the way we connect with both clients and candidates.

Frequent virtual check-ins and quarterly site visits are integral to our approach. These interactions allow our consultants to stay updated on any changes within the client’s workplace culture, operational dynamics, and evolving needs. This ongoing communication ensures that we can make informed and effective candidate placements that meet current and future requirements.


Addressing Unique Challenges

One of the primary challenges in on-hire recruitment is the availability of skilled candidates. This challenge is particularly pronounced in highly specialised industries or geographic locations with a limited talent pool. Our consultants adopt a proactive approach to address this issue by providing market feedback to clients. This feedback includes insights into the availability of skills in the market, salary benchmarks, and emerging trends.

When recruiting in locations where some of our more regional clients are located, our consultants can often be faced with the challenge of not having enough suitable candidates available. Jake Whelan of our Regional VIC team says “One of the biggest challenges we’ve had recently is recruiting remotely in areas with few job seekers. It comes down to setting clear expectations with the client and sometimes broadening our search criteria to find candidates who may not have the exact experience but demonstrate the right attitude and potential.”

Our consultants lean on their expertise and can suggest alternative solutions such as developing training programs or upskilling initiatives to clients, not only enhancing the suitability of candidates but also ensuring we meet our commitments to provide the best possible service to our clients.


Prioritising Candidate-Centric Approaches

The success of a placement hinges on our meticulous screening and assessment of candidates to ensure both cultural and skills fit. Our consultants prioritise candidate care by conducting thorough interviews that go beyond assessing technical skills. These interviews delve into the candidate’s career aspirations, work ethic, and compatibility with the client’s culture.

Additionally, our consultants provide comprehensive role briefings to candidates, setting clear expectations about the job responsibilities, company culture, and growth opportunities. Regular communication with placed candidates is maintained throughout their employment journey, which Jake Whelan explains is key to ensuring candidate satisfaction but also promotes long-term retention and loyalty. “We know by doing our candidate and client care, that is improves retention and how much candidates settle into their new roles. The candidate will get a call on their first day just to see how it went, then we’ll visit them on site approximately a week after they’ve started to see how they’re tracking. We’ll then contact them at least every three weeks, just to check in and see if they’ve got any concerns or questions. It’s always clear communication between the consultant, the candidate, and the client.”


Building Strong Client Relationships

Client care is integral to the on-hire recruitment process. Our consultants actively engage in structured client visits and problem-solving discussions. Our consultant Paige Lane says “Regularly scheduled client visits are essential for effective client care. We ensure that we’re actively checking in with the workforce to resolve any issues before they escalate. These sit-down meetings cover everything from business changes to training concerns, taking a general interest in the overall health of the business to address any underlying issues.”


Building strong client relationships involves more than just filling positions. It requires a deep understanding of the client’s business objectives, challenges, and strategic goals. Our consultants regularly conduct site visits, participate in strategic planning sessions, and offer insights into workforce planning and development. This collaborative approach ensures that we are not just a recruitment service provider but a strategic partner in HR solutions, invested in the long-term success of our clients.







On-hire and labour hire recruitment require a nuanced understanding of client requirements, proactive candidate sourcing, and a commitment to fostering long-term relationships. By embodying these principles and leveraging their expertise, our specialist recruitment consultants play a pivotal role in facilitating seamless placements and driving organisational success. Through a combination of technology, strategic communication, and a commitment to client and candidate satisfaction, our consultants deliver exceptional recruitment solutions to meet and exceed clients expectations.

To find out how we can assist with labour hire recruitment for your organisation, get intouch with our recruitment experts now. 


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