Are you ready for a 4 day work week?

07.04.22 Overseas, some companies who have taken the leap, suggest productivity among small teams has never been better. Some have also opted to make meetings shorter and streamlined the usual crush of emails with auto responses for perfunctory exchanges. But the model comes with many questions. Some experts suggest there are budget and economic constraints, make it an unviable option for some businesses. Read more

AI in Recruitment: Is it Good or Bad for Diversity?

08.03.22 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has incredible potential to positively influence the diversity of new hires as well as reduce bias in recruitment, but it isn’t foolproof.  Read more

Is it time to leave your job?

11.02.22 In the workforce, we may have to face the difficult decision to leave an employer. These periods of transition can be challenging to navigate, so if you are considering leaving your current job, here are a few signs that might help make the decision easier. Read more

Workplace Trends for 2022

12.01.22 Workplaces have dramatically evolved over the past two years, so here are our top workplace trends for employers to watch for in 2022.  Hybrid work Research suggests remote working and work flexibility for many… Read more

Job ads soar – but no one’s applying

11.11.21 In October, SEEK had more job ads than ever before. Seek suggests this resulted from a combination of easing COVID restrictions and businesses getting ready for the holiday period. In Victoria, job ads recorded… Read more

The ‘Great Resignation’ comes to Australia

08.10.21 Over the past several months, the US has seen millions of workers quit their jobs, in what has been dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’. With mid-career workers and those in tech and healthcare, quitting at… Read more

Gen Z pursue climate careers

09.09.21 New research from the U.S. suggests that as Gen Z graduate from university and enter the workforce, they are more likely than older generations to pursue career paths centred on addressing climate change. 76%… Read more

COVID: Women on the Career Ladder

25.08.21 The pandemic continues to turn workplaces upside down however, it has only intensified some of the challenges women already faced. Throughout the pandemic, women have been more likely to be laid off, stalling their… Read more

How To Manage Your Wellbeing During The Pandemic

22.07.21 The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted each of us differently. Right now millions of Australian’s are still coming to terms with this ‘new normal’, as they adapt to restricted personal freedoms and ongoing uncertainty. This… Read more

Workplace flexibility attracts more women to the labour workforce

13.07.21 The pandemic forced many businesses to accelerate their uptake of digital technology and to embrace working from home. A shift that has provided the flexibility required for some women to better juggle work and… Read more
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